Going away to college can be exciting and scary all at the same time. New surroundings and experiences can at times be overwhelming. It is a big change for your child, and while it can be an adventure, it can still create feelings of homesickness. Here are some tips to help your child settle in comfortably.
Familiar Things
While few new pots and pans may be a welcome gift for a college student, but they can’t replace a favorite old quilt from their bedroom or other familiar item from home. Even though your student may insist that they are looking forward to a fresh, new start, there will likely be times when a bit of home can ease them through a bout of homesickness.
Familiar Smells
Your child’s dorm room is such a different atmosphere from what they are used to. It is a fact that certain scents can evoke memories of specific times, places or events. Send a candle scented like sugar cookies or blueberry muffins – anything that can bring back a comforting memory of home. If there are undesirable smells in the apartment, treat your student to the best steam cleaning college station can offer and get their carpets cleaned for them. That really would be a fresh start.
Familiar Sights
Most photos are stored in the cloud these days; accessible by anyone at any time. But there is something comforting about an actual photo album with pictures of family members, a special pet, close friends, home and other favorite places that can be touched and lingered over when homesickness strikes.
With all that in mind, make sure you encourage your child’s new-found independence and allow them the freedom to mature from the experience. They may not need you as they have before, but in many ways your relationship can grow stronger.…